そして翌年発表のデビューアルバムに収録された「Semi-Charmed Life(セミチャームド・ライフ)」が全米4位の大ヒットを記録したアメリカ出身のバンド、Third Eye Blind(サード・アイ・ブラインド)。頭文字を取って『3EB』と表記されることも。
ボーカル兼ギタリストのStephan Jenkins(スティーヴン・ジェンキンス)はかつて短期間だけ、Puck and Nattyというラップデュオで活動していた経歴の持ち主。そのためラップ・ヒップホップの影響が感じられるボーカルスタイルの曲が多いのが特徴です。
そういえばホラー小説の巨匠、Stephen Kingもスティーヴン・キングだったっけ。StephanとStephenだからスペルは完全に一緒じゃないけれども。
YouTube【Third Eye Blind - Blinded (When I See You) (Official Music Video)】
Songwriter(s) - Stephan Jenkins, Arion Salazar, Tony Fredianelli
Just an old friend coming overNow to visit you andThat's what I've becomeI let myself inThough I know I'm not supposed to butI never know when I'm done
And I see you fogging up the mirrorVapor around your body glistens in the showerAnd I want to stay right hereAnd go down on you for an hourAnd stay and let the day just fade away in wild dedicationTake the moment of hope and let it runAnd never look back at all the damage we have done nowTo each other, to each other, to each other
'Cause when I see youIt's like I'm staring down the sunAnd I'm blindedThere's nothing left to doAnd still I see you
I never believe that things would happen for a reason andThey never go as plannedI wanted to thank you for a visionThat was lost that you returnedBut you're past where you understand
Now her appetite is blownLittle else is knownExcept she's a little angryGrabs a towel, looks awayThe heat fades with the dayAnd I fall down on what to sayOh something clean, let me be cleverHey oh well, whateverBut that's not what I meanWhen where we've been has left us burnt stillI won't turn now from a fightYou know I'll never win
So when I see youYou know all the things I've doneWell I'm blindedLike I'm staring down the sunWhen I see youWhen I see youWhen I see youIt's like I'm staring down the sun, yeah
Time passes and it tells us what we're left withWe become the things we doMe, I'm a fool spent from defiance, yeah you got me butI didn't give up on you
Icarus is not a T-shirt or a swan song, noHe is born again andIt's not easy being meBut I can't promise I will mend or bendWhen you believe that we are fixed now from our birthAnd I've just fallen back to EarthStill you know I'll try again'Cause I believe that we are luckyWe are golden, we have stolenManners in the days when we were one
So when I see you, despite of all that we've becomeI'm still blindedBut I'm still staring down the sunWhen I see youWhen I see youWhen I see youWhen I see you
ちなみにギタリストはこのアルバムからTony Fredianelli(トニー・フレディアネリ)という人に変わっています。